The Six Day (1967) War

Essay by hgd4th March 2004

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The Six-Day War was perhaps the most important event in the history of modern Israel. It radically changed both the domestic and foreign policies of the government. The Six-Day War set the stage for the political situation in Israel today. After the war, Israel gained prestige on the world stage as a major military power.

When the dust had settled and the war was over, Israel occupied more land and ruled over more people than ever before. The Israeli army's tactics and execution during this war are often used by military planners and strategists as the example of an ideal military campaign. The war ended in a stunning victory for Israel and a crushing defeat for three Arab nations.

However, many people would say that the Six-Day War was the beginning of a downhill trend for Israel. Despite all of these seemingly good things, these people would say that the Six-Day War was the beginning of many of the problems that Israel faces today.

Here, we will explore the facts behind this controversial subject.

Chapter 1 - The Path to War

For several years, Israel had been met with hostility by Syria, Egypt, and Jordan. The president of Egypt, Gamal Abdul Nasser (1918-1970) had been speaking out against Israel for years. In late 1966 and early 1967, border clashes had been taking place between the Israelis and the Syrians, with the both sides claiming that the other was violating the demilitarized zone provisions. Syrians in the Golan heights fired on Israeli settlements and farmers below, while other raids were carried out from Jordan.

In both cases, Israel retaliated with its regular army units, holding the country from which the raid accountable, although Jordan and Lebanon had both tried to prevent such raids from happening.

In the central and southern...