Social Movements and Trends

Essay by danielsvc November 2014

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Social Movements and Trends


Vernon C. Daniels Jr


October 6, 2014

Elise Shelton

Social Movements and Trends


The women's role in American society had a major shift that reformed it which began in the 1960s. Throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s the "Women's Liberation" movement evolved in an acceptable act. Although this time period was filled with tension, transformation, and misperception; it progressively became widely accepted and embraced by America. The rudimentary goals of the movement began to make sense to the American public. "Equal pay for equal work" was one the many accomplishments that came about during these three decades. The end to the acceptance of domestic violence, sexual harassment, and the sharing of household and child rearing duties were all a part the reform or change brought about through the "Women's Liberation" movement.

There were several studies that were completed during the "Women's Liberation" movement that had a major impact.

One such study was the "The Second Sex" by Simone De Beauvoir. This study was brought about by the rebellious feminist trend that developed within the U.S. in the 1960s. During this time there were many militant women's groups created. Radical feminists demonstrations were the driving force behind the "Women's Liberation Movement". This movement was more of a social platform rather than a political platform. One feminist who contributed significantly to the "Women's Liberation" movement was Betty Friedan. In 1963 she wrote the book "The Feminine Mystique" to encourage women to use professional careers as a garnishment to marriage and motherhood. The National Organization for Women was started by Betty Freidan along with Paul Murray in 1966. The goal of this organization was simple. It helped women to attain economic, political, and social equality. They achieved this by...