Society in frankenstein

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Roles In Frankenstein Society often puts labels on things such as good, bad, normal, or strange. People are expected to act in a certain manner depending on there status in society. For example in Frankenstein, you would expect the doctor as a scientist to act with precision and responsibility. From the monster you would expect brutality, irresponsibility and a lack of intelligence. The Doctor is expected to have a certain amount of respect for the scientific community and uphold its morals and ethics. The novel shows how a person or thing may not act according to how it's supposed to.

The monster is wrongly treated on the assumption that he actually is a monster. He is scorned attacked and shunned due to his outward appearance. This is not justified by anything except his demeanor. He doesn't commit any heinous actions towards the people he meets. People are also afraid of him because people are afraid of things they know nothing about.

The character of Justine can be used to display societies affect on people. Society doesn't kill her, but the ignorance of people does. Society can't kill a person, but it can influence the actions of its people. She is held accountable for a murder she didn't commit. Judgment is passed on her prematurely. I'll admit there was evidence against Justine, and we have the advantage of knowing that she didn't do it. Justine was not exactly a pillar of the community, so some reasonable evidence and the fact that human behavior tends to view people that are in the lower-class as being guilty of something, was all that was needed. The ideology of a being a monster is different the n looking hideous and revolting.

The characters of the Doctor and the monster act exactly opposite then would...