Sociology - Mass media

Essay by 123321University, Bachelor's November 2014

download word file, 7 pages 0.0

All humans crave for power. We like to think that we are in control of everything and that our actions are solely based on our own preferences and conscious choice. Despite this prevalent belief, we humans have less control than we think we do. This holds true in many aspects of our lives. Our control over the influences and choices of the mass media material, for instance, is an aspect that is not as minimal and selective as we may believe. Using the mass media as a channel for dissemination, culture has become just another commodity that is bought and sold (Kong, 31 Oct. 2013). Our reliance on media puts us in a vulnerable position, in which avoiding its influence has become virtually impossible. Through the extensive interaction and use of the media, we are gradually and unconsciously molded to perceive, think and eventually act accordingly to the will of people in control of the media.

Because control is something people value highly of, many will deny that we are strongly affected by the contents presented in the medium and argue that the contents of the media is democratic, varied and individualistic. However the culture reflected in these media contents is dictatorial and highly standardized.

The dependence theory proposed by Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur undermines the manipulation role media plays in our lives. The dependence theory suggests that audiences are active in their communication process and that their dependency on media relies on their needs and social stability (Hastie, 2013). So if a person has many alternatives to obtain gratification then their dependence on watching T.V shows for entertainment would decrease. Also, in times of social conflict or election when the people are put in a position in which they need to make new decisions, the dependence on media...