Source question

Essay by JonorosieHigh School, 12th gradeA-, March 2004

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Using sources A and B and your own knowledge, compare

and contrast British and German propaganda during WWI.

Both the British and the Germans used propaganda throughout the war to boost their war effort. Even though the propaganda was aimed at achieving the same result, the different cultures demanded different techniques to be used.

Source A clearly outlines the aims of British propaganda, namely to recruit, get war bonds and maintain national moral support. The source also states that the British culture "does not expect" its men to join the army but concedes that the German culture does. This is why British propaganda was mainly aimed at recruiting and German propaganda concentrated on different aspects.

German propaganda used "in your face" techniques to convey their propaganda messages. Unlike the British, German propaganda did not speak in the tone of ordinary people but rather 'in the all-too-familiar tones of a Prussian officer or a schoolmaster', believed historian Denis Winter.

Because of this particular tone of the German propaganda, it did not always connect with the ordinary German worker. British propaganda, on the other hand, preferred to use subtle messages to reach the ordinary Briton.

One of the main reasons why German propaganda was never as effective as that of the allies was because of the failure of the German authorities to properly organise it. While the British setup a Ministry of Propaganda, the Germans had no such organisation. The British sought the help of newspaper owners to help them and soon newspapers were filled with anti-German propaganda. The Germans never looked to the newspapers, which were mostly owned by Jews (which the Germans did not want to associate themselves with). Instead they setup their own military newspaper called Deutsche Kriegsnachrichten (German War News).

Source B is a typical example of...