A Sovereign French Canada: Necessary?

Essay by KamekaziHigh School, 10th gradeA-, April 2007

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From the time of Confederation, there has always been tension between the French-speaking francophones and the English-speaking anglophones of Canada. During the late 1960's, this tension developed into a nationalistic belief known as the Quebec Separatist movement, which became the main focus of Canada's arguable issues for decades to come. The movement was inspired by the belief that Quebec was a distinct society from the rest of Canada with different culture and different ambitions so it should separate from Canada to form its own sovereign nation. Though it gained support initially and had valid arguments for separation, a lot has changed from the beginning of the movement to present time. Some of these changes include the promotion of equality between francophones and anglophones by the Canadian Government, the declining public support for the separatist cause and Quebec economy's rising dependence on Canada. In present time, Quebec no longer has any justifiable reason to want to separate from Canada into a sovereign nation.

The main reason for Quebec to separate from Canada would be the lack of equality for the francophones of Canada. French Canadians have always asked for Canada as a whole to accept francophone culture equally as the english speaking communities, mainly in the areas of language. Since this request has been mostly ignored throughout history, it served as a valid reason in late 1960's when the separatist idea was introduced. However, since that time the Canadian government has taken various steps to promote and support equality. Some of these steps include the introduction of the Official Languages Act in 1969, recognizing bilingualism in Canada. This act was very significant because it ensured equality by making the French language just as equal a part of Canada as the English language. Another crucial measure by the Government was Bill...