Speech: Topic-Inspiring his/her class to collect for a certain charity...

Essay by dude1969dudeHigh School, 10th gradeB+, April 2004

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I stand before you today gentlemen in an attempt to win your hearts, your time and your commitment in a bid to make a difference... ,to make a difference in the harsh world of today. Now let me ask you a question. How many of you I'd like a show of hands here, have had food provided for you? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Good! How many of you have had food that you didn't quite like, such as certain vegetable? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE...COUNT HANDS OUT LOUD) (READ NUMBER OUT LOUD) Well then be honest! Keep your hand up if you've thrown this food out. I can understand if u feel bad. I myself have succumbed to this temptation and yes due to the society that we are brought up in its just the way it is, but think about those poor sad Mothers, Fathers, Children and in most cases whole communities around the world who have not the means to eat, drink, survive...

those people who will die due to malnutrition.

The statistics on malnutrition are grim", states a report on malnutrition by the UN. "Nearly 12 million children under the age of five (over 4 million of them in Africa alone) die annually. About 43 million children worldwide are suffering from varying degrees of brain damage. Some 226 million children are stunted (shorter than they should be for their age); nearly 67 million are estimated to weigh less than they should for their height; and about 183 million weigh less than they should for their age. In Africa every third child is underweight, while two out of five are stunted. Now these statistics are for children alone. (Talk about comparison ¾ Aust. population. Point and explain 3 out of 4 in 19 million die...)

How would... you like... to walk...