Star-crossed Lovers- the use of fate in William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet".

Essay by Orli_BabyJunior High, 8th gradeA+, June 2003

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Star-crossed Lovers

Fate is written in the stars and cause inevitable events predestined by a greater fortune. The question of fate has been asked all through time. Shakespeare weaves the strings of fate into the lives of his characters in Romeo and Juliet. The hands of Fate unfolded the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by arranging key events in their relationship.

Romeo's coincidental encounter with the Capulet servant resulted in the meeting of Juliet. An illiterate servant to Capulet runs into Romeo and Benvolio on the street and asks for their assistance in reading the guest list. Romeo agrees to help him and notices that Rosaline -whom he is infatuated with- is among these names. Benvolio persuades Romeo to attend the ball and compare Rosaline with other "admired beauties of Verona." (I. ii. 86) Eventually, Romeo complies to "go along,... [And] to rejoice in splendour of mine own. [Rosaline]" (I.

ii. 102- 103) Had Romeo not met the servant, he wouldn't have attended the Capulet feast -and hence- never met Juliet. That night, Romeo and his friends arrive at the Capulet house. Before entering, Romeo speaks of a premonition "hanging in the stars shall bitterly begin his fearful date with this night's revels, and expire the term of a despised life closed in my breast by some vile forfeit of untimely death." (I. ii. 107- 110) This notion of events expected to occur are written in the stars and explains how life is predetermined be fortune. By entering the Capulet feast, Romeo is stricken by Juliet's beauty -thus- the seed of their love was planted. An insignificant incident led to the meeting of the two lovers and swept them into a course of fate that would lead to his doomed destiny.

Fate restrained Friar John from delivering the letter...