Steps To Writing A Viable Busines Plan

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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A business plan is not just a method to getting funding for a company; it is a framework that changes with your companies needs. Once prepared it should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. This is a roadmap for your company. It states what condition your company is in, how you got there, and where you plan to go. Writing an initial business plan can be an intimidating project. If you are in an existing business or are preparing to start a company you need a plan to work from. This report will break down the basic pieces of a business plan to offer a step-by-step procedure for writing one.

You do not need to include all of these pieces in your plan. What you include will depend on your specific business and what lenders will require. Therefore it is a good idea to check before hand to get detailed requirements.

Though you may have a great deal of information to include, keeping you plan brief while presenting the key information is important. A good plan will be ten to twenty pages in length.

The primary source of writing a business plan should be you. There are many companies that may persuade you to use their services or software. Using these sources can result in a plan that has a generic look. This may raise flags to funding sources. The progression of preparing a business plan involves gathering precise and persuasive information and outlining the strategy before writing. A business plan is three quarters research and one quarter formatting. Organize your plan for maximum readability but make sure the proper content is included. Keep in mind that this is a living document. It should be restructured as your knowledge grows or when a strategy becomes solid.

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