Study notes of lectures on Markov assumptions, machine learning, brain learning, types of learning, memory, and qualia

Essay by skierdude1000University, Bachelor'sA, November 2007

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Markov assumption = given the state, you don’t need to know the pastRepresentationsDifferent degrees of specialization-Some neurons good at specific recognition, some better at generalIf you have neurons that combine and spread out, synthesis of neurons, not a separate neurons for each specific feature in the world-smaller amount of neurons to avoid exponentiallyBINDING PROBLEMMinimize connections in the brain-Modularity-Related areas are next to each otherMANY LEVELS TO THE BRAINWhat/where pathwaysSensory motorBrocas and Wernicke’s regionsHow memory worksDisruption of memory of letters by counting backwardsTransfer of info from STM to LTMHow emotion ties to different parts of the brain?What does emotion do at a functional level?-Neurotransmitters—physical level description, sending signals across longer ranges of the brain-Reinforcement learning = dopamine = reward function-Long distance bindingHear ice cream song truckConnecting auditory stimulus with future reward of ice cream-DOPAMINE !!!!!!!!!!!Emotion feelingWe’ve covered a sampling of brain modulesBRAINS VS COMPUTERSComputers – serial and fastBrains – parallel and slow, a lot more memoryMultimodal vs Amodal-Multimodal = modes of perception (Auditory, visual, tactile, sematsensory)-Amodal = notion of a grasp is not tied to vision, how it feels, etc.

-Abstract concept-Embodied notion of thought-Thinking about a light bulb, a dog, etc. is multimodal-Don’t think of a formal definition of a dog, don’t think of abstract of a dog-Think about the smell, touch, and feel of a dog – don’t think of it as an abstract disembodied concept, but think of it specifically, what they feel like to wrestle with, getting licked, etc.

-Computers can’t simulate the feeling-In robotics there has been a trend in turning to attention-Still, most computers have terrible ability to focus and have attentionReview various kinds of memorySyntax, etc.

Different parts of the brainLots of different sub modules and chunks of processingLife is way more complicated than explained in this courseLearningEvolution DarwinianOperant Conditioning PavlovianReasoning Popperian,