Symbolism and Colors in the Great Gatsby

Essay by skierzacHigh School, 10th gradeA+, April 2013

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Symbolism and Colors in The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is said to be one of Fitzgerald's best writings; representing the Roaring Twenties like no author before him. The reader misses the range of colors that Fitzgerald uses to make the action in the story clear. This amazing story of colors represents the noble and the wicked with distinct symbols, hiding a meaning untold to the reader, in which the story becomes clear.

Fitzgerald uses the color white for Daisy, Jordan, and ultimately Gatsby with the color white mixing with yellow to tarnish the purity of white. Fitzgerald gives the impression to the reader that Daisy and Jordan are perfect; Daisy is wearing white in the book often. White is a color of purity, but Daisy and Jordan are not pure.

"Daisy and Jordan seems about to float off into the air because they are - to both Gatsby and Nick - a bit unreal, like fairies, and they are white because, as we learn in Chapter VII, to wear white is to be and absolute dream" (Schneider 248).

Daisy and Jordan appear to live perfect lives, by wearing white to symbolize that they are pure. When Daisy and Nick reunite for the first time the reader is picturing an angel falling from heaven, as Fitzgerald describes the scene.

"The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous couch on which two young women were buoyed up as through and anchored balloon, they were both in white and their dresses were just rippling and fluttering as if they had just been blown back in after a short flight around the house" (Fitzgerald 8).

Gatsby cannot see beyond the beauty of Daisy because he is in love with her. Gatsby wants the Daisy he met before he...