Symbolism in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird

Essay by jwirthHigh School, 11th gradeA+, February 2004

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The Sin of Killing a Mockingbird

The scene structure was only one of the many enthralling parts of this novel. Each scene had its own essence and reason for existence, as should every scene in every novel. The characters were very defined and extremely deep. Harper Lee has a very discreet way of tying in the many aspects of Southern culture, without making it seem historical or pointless. But of all the scenes in the book, the ones that had the deepest effect personally were those where white people were confronting racial issues.

One of the scenes that made a large impact on this novel was the scene where Atticus guards the door of the courthouse. He puts the life of his defendant before his own and sits in complete control of himself, waiting for fate to take its toll. It is obvious that Atticus is afraid of what may be waiting for him, but it has no effect on the way he acts.

The confrontation of several drunk, dirty and intimidating men would frighten most, yet Atticus counters their intimidation by standing his ground. Not advancing, not declining, he shows true courage in the face of danger.

Atticus' daughter Scout, being very young and naive,cannot realize what is going on around her. Therefore she senses tension around her, but does not understand why. She senses tension around her, but does not know why it exists. She cannot relate to what is happening, and so she reaches around for some familiarity. This she finds in Walter Cunningham and clings to this thread of recognition like a life line.

While Atticus stands strong during this intimidation, Scout panics and runs to her father for comfort. She does not see the reality of the situation as it really is,