Tale Of

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade April 2001

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Tale of the Tail Way long ago, before man came to the "New World." This was a land ruled by dinosaurs. One peaceful day in so called "Dinoland", the dinosaurs were minding their own business, when a big volcano decides it was time to throw up (erupt). Well, as you know, when a volcano erupts it releases a deadly hot substance called lava. Well, this lava started to spread across the land. As a result of this event, the dinosaurs started running.

Now the king of the dinosaurs, the T-Rex, was a long old fella. He was mean, stubborn, and thought that this was no big deal. So he went and sat in a tar pit just to show all the other dinosaurs that he was not scared. Now, the others knew better and did not pay him any attention. In fact, they pitied his foolishness. They made their decision to run, leaving Mr.

T-Rex all alone. By the time the lava was within a hundred yards of him, he realized the seriousness of the situation. He tried to get up and run, but he found himself stuck. Once more he tried, but no luck. He was still stuck. Now he pulled together all his strength and broke free of the tar, but he still had one problem. The tar was all stuck to his tail and the lava was only a few feet away. So what did he do, do you ask? What else could he do except run. He ran as fast as he could but that tar was really slowing him down. He gave up a little and let his tail drag the ground. This started along what is now, billions of years later, the border of South Carolina and North Carolina. Now, Mr. T-Rex was extremely tired from running all the way up the coast. If you did that, I am sure that you would be too. Finally, the lava caught up with him at what is now, billions of years later, the North Carolina and Virginia border. The lava covered the slow and foolish dinosaur and the poor dinosaur died, how sad. Anyway, the area where he drug his tail along the North Carolina coast had left a deep gorge which filled up with water. It is now the Intercoastal Waterway.
