"A Tale Of Two Cites"by Charles Dickens.

Essay by LovesPen November 2003

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Government has been an essential part to any civilization for as long as human kind has existed. People who disagree with the government have also existed for just as long. Whether the government was so simple that the leader was the strongest in the tribe, or whether the government was so complex that it involved thousands of people to make one decision, it always was challenged and eventually changed. The means of change are quite diverse. Assassination, protests, war, petitions, and more are amongst the large list of means for governmental reform. Revolution has also been a frequent method to try to achieve the desired change. Revolutions have made profound impacts in history, for both the better and for the worse; Charles Dickens is among those who believe revolution is not an efficient means for change of government, or social reform. His classic novel, A Tale of Two Cities, clearly and profoundly shows the negative impacts of revolting against the government to the reader.

He also shows the reader that there is a better way to improve the government. That better way is illustrated through Sydney Carton. He not only becomes an unexpected hero in A Tale of Two Cities, but he also symbolizes Charles Dickens solution to achieving social reform.

Sydney Carton first entered the story as a lonely man. Appearing rather insecure and having low self esteem, his role in the story was unknown to the reader. He seemed to only be focused on helping others. One late night with his colleague, Mr. Stryver, Cartons basically pathetic demeanor was confronted, ^Carton, addressed his friend... ^your way is, and always was, a lame way. You summon no energy and purpose. (Dickens, a Tale of Two Cities, 95). Then later that night, climbing into a high chamber...