In "A tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens,'Marquis St. Evrémonde is an evil person.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Essay by dorakhyHigh School, 11th gradeA-, September 2007

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I agree with this statement. The definition of 'evil' is - someone who is evil deliberately does very cruel things to harm other people. I think 'evil' is a word that best describe Marquis St. Evrémonde. He was a typical example of French aristocrats.

He showed no sympathy, cruel, contemptuous, proud, arrogant, money-minded, snobbish, immoral, irresponsible, selfish, cold-blooded. Even his wife looked down upon him with the loftiest contempt.

At around 1780, the French upper class were still enjoying the best of times. For instance, Marquis St. Evrémonde was 'handsomely dressed, haughty in manner, and with a face like a fine mask. A face of a transparent paleness; every feature in it clearly defined; one set expression on it. The nose, beautifully formed otherwise, was very slightly pinched at the top of each nostril.' It shows that the nobles own what is the best, even when they was born, fate have imply that they will become the highest class in their nation.

Also, Monseigneur had three truly noble idea. Of general public business, was to let everything go on in its own way; of particular public business, it must all go his way - tend to his own power and pocket; of his pleasures, general and particular, the world was make for them. The text of his order ran: 'The earth and the fulness thereof are mine, saith Monseigneur.' Monseigneur loved absolutely power, all things were beneficial to them and thought themselves were the best people in the world.

However, they abused their power, they showed no sympathy to others, especially to the lower class. Like when Marquis St. Evrémonde 's carriage accidentally crashed down a child, the Marquis didn't show any sympathy and he even blame the child's parent. He said,' It is extraordinary that you people cannot take...