Technology Explanation

Essay by qdawgkUniversity, Bachelor'sA, March 2007

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Information systems are hardware and software systems that support data applications and are vital and indispensable. Even more important is one understanding the various elements of these hardware and software systems. Data Input, Output, Storage devices and device speeds are addressed for the education of the reader in the basics of technology explanations. Regardless of their career field and educational background, managers are expected to be knowledgeable enough to make educated decisions regarding the hardware and software systems for which they are responsible. Having obsolete hardware and software can place an organization at a competitive disadvantage.

Data InputMany people's first experience with computers is through data input devices. There are hundreds of devices that can be used for data input, which range from general purpose input devices to special purpose devices used to capture specific types of data. When producing certain documents, using the proper data input device to ensure the accuracy of the data is important.

When working with printed questionnaires, the best data input method would be the optical data readers. Optical data readers would be best because (OMR), Optical mark recognition devices and (OCR) optical character recognition devices can be used as the system recognizes the marks as the user would only be required to darken in boxes on the questionnaires.(Stair & Reynolds, 2006)Voice input devices are the best method for conducting a telephone survey. This would be the best choice as a voice input device is programmable to recognize responses. This relieves a live person from conducting the survey, as a computer can do it all. (Stair & Reynolds, pp. 56-57)Because banks deal with large amounts of checks daily, MICR or Magnetic Ink Character Recognition is the best input for bank checks because they need a system that can process checks quickly. The MICR allows for...