Television Essay.

Essay by ShiznitzHigh School, 12th gradeA-, May 2003

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History of the Television

1927 - American engineer Philo T. Farnsworth develops the dissector tube, the basis of current televisions.

1939 - RCA and researcher Vladimir Zworykin research and perform experimental telecasts from the Empire State Building. These efforts culminated in the debut of television at the 1939 Worlds Fair.

1952 - The first UHF station, KPTV in Portland, Oregon goes on the air.

1973 - Giant screen-projection color TVs begin to be marketed.

1977 - 75 percent of TV homes have at least 1 color set.

1995 - Wide-Screen HDTV sets are predicted to go on sale by 1997. 25.7 million colour TV's are sold this year.

Television and Society

Every day, millions of people across the world sit down and turn on a television set. What is it that makes television so popular? The answer to that question is quite simple: it's entertaining. People like to have fun and to be entertained, which is what television provides.

Turn on any TV and you can watch a comedy, a thriller, reality tv, almost anything.

However, many people believe that viewing television can have negative effects on one's life. Violent shows can cause violent behavior in those people that watch the shows, especially if a child is the viewer. Negative health effects can become evident if a person sits around the house all day watching TV. But is there anything positive that can be said about television?

Educational programs are believed to be a positive element of television, since those watching will learn from the show. Television is also viewed as being a way for anyone to connect to the world. Basically, television allows us to gain knowledge about events occurring in China, Brazil, and all around the world. Television allows us to communicate with each other. And of...