How to Tell a Knock-Knock Joke: Informative essay.

Essay by tomeskCollege, UndergraduateA+, December 2005

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Knock-knock. . . Who's there? Wooden... Wooden who? Wooden you think telling a knock-knock joke would be easy. Mankind has been telling knock-knock jokes since the second grade. The art of telling a knock-knock joke is a delicate one indeed. As a whole, mankind has been striving to perfect the timing and delivery of the joke for many centuries. Although the art of telling a generic knock-knock joke may seem simple and maybe even trivial, there are a few things one must know before undertaking this task.

To be effective at telling a knock-knock joke one must understand the nature of the joke. Combining for a very dangerous combination, knock-knock jokes are generally short, simple and a little bit corny. Because of the childish nature of the jokes, second graders seem to take to the jokes like a duck to water. The joke is generally told in native English speaking countries and often used to break the ice in permitting situations.

Although the knock-knock joke at first glance may appear to be harmless and simplistic in nature it can be as damaging to one's reputation as spending three consecutive days in the library. One must always remember that regardless of the ease of telling a knock-knock joke one must never abuse this power.

Throughout history many people have attempted to tell a knock-knock joke and come to the harsh realization that the joke they told was either inappropriate, too corny, or simply too complicated. A common mistake committed among knock-knock joke tellers throughout the world is talking too much. To avoid excessive verbiage it is safest to stick with the default five-line format. The standard five-line format is as follows:

1. The punster: "Knock-knock." (indicating a door has been struck to gain attention)

2. The recipient: "Who's there?" (in an...