Tess of the d'Urbervilles- Thomas Hardy. Compare Angel to Alec discussing how each is used as a vehicle by Hardy to examine different aspects of society.

Essay by Muse June 2004

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Alec and Angel both represent different figures in society; they are both from a fairly respectable and high class, but they symbolise different aspects of high society. Alec is the "evil" side of society, he doesn't care for anyone else's well being, not even his own mother's, he seduces Tess not because he loved her, but because of his own need. He doesn't even apologize for it until he "reforms" when he has a "calling from God". He is described in great detail; his lips are described as "badly moulded", even though they are red and smooth. This tells us that even though his rich lifestyle can keep him looking well, his natural features aren't handsome. When Tess's innocence and goodness meets him, they do not connect at all. Alec's place in society enables him to get what he wants, but when he can't get Tess through his feigned charm, he uses force instead.

When evil and innocence clash, it only produces harm.

The place in which Alec lives in Trantridge is a mirror of Alec. The house, though expected to be old by Tess, is almost brand new. Alec, in a sense, is new too, at least to the name d'Urberville, because his now dead father bought the name to cover up his past. The house doesn't blend in with the surrounding area: "...a rich red colour that formed such a contrast with the evergreens of the lodge." The house is unnatural to the country side, along with its gardens and greenhouses. A greenhouse take plants that are out of season and makes them grow inside. Alec does not belong in the country side either; he is a man of industry and modern things. The only completely pure and natural piece of land near Alec's estate is...