Thomas Jefferson.

Essay by lemonade727High School, 11th gradeA+, April 2003

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No matter what one does, it is in human nature to desire more than one has. Without this instinct of greed, life would be unable to function. It is because of this instinct that the revolutionary war was started. England wanted to milk its colonies of everything they were worth and the colonies wanted to be able to have all of what they produced. Therefore, even if England had allowed home rule in the colonies, the revolutionary war would have still been inevitable.

Ideally, in the minds of the British, the colonists were loyal citizens who abided by all laws made by the king and parliament. They believed the town meetings and institutions such as the House of Burgesses were useless and non-threatening. In reality, the colonists already had a system of government and society set up. By allowing home rule in the colonies, England would have only been making official what was already happening.

The colonies had their own laws and legislative bodies. While England had ultimate rule, often times the colonies would not obey orders from the British. The colonists were already on a crash course to a revolution; the English granting home rule in some type of symbolic and meaningless gesture would have done nothing to stop it.

In fact, if the English had allowed home rule, it would have brought the colonies even closer to and more able to start a revolution. They would have had the money and power to form an army. Without the British, the colonists would no longer have enough of a reason to keep their feelings about the English a secret. Due to this, a consensus of resentment towards the British would have emerged much sooner. The leaders of the colonists often were not in favor of British rule, but were...