Through the eyes of the dyslex

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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Through the Eyes of the Dyslexic Child Dyslexia is one of several distinct learning disabilities. It is a specific language-based disorder characterized by difficulties in single word decoding, usually reflecting insufficient phonological processing. These difficulties in single word decoding are often unexpected in relation to age and other cognitive and academic abilities; they are not the result of generalized developmental disability or sensory impairment. Dyslexia is manifested by variable difficulty with different forms of language, often including, in addition to problems with reading, a conspicuous problem with acquiring proficiency in writing and spelling. Based on research studies, 10% of children have some degree of dyslexia, while about 4% will be affected severely (an average of one in every class). Most will need some special teaching at some time during their school life, but the most severely affected may need such help throughout their education, with support even at colleges and Universities (Masterson 290).

What is dyslexia, or what does it mean? The actual definition for dyslexia is the inability to interpret written symbols. Dyslexia may include reversal of letters, blurring of letters, or seeing letters out of sequence (Shreve 440). Dyslexia is derived from the Latin 'dys' means bad or hard and 'lexia' meaning language. Dyslexia has been defined in several different ways. Some textbooks have inappropriately referred to dyslexia as an inability to read. Dyslexia is more then just a reading disability; it is a language communication disability affecting reading, writing, speaking, and listening. So we can describe dyslexia as a generic word for several different specific learning disabilities. Dyslexia consists of a syndrome of characteristics, which varies in degrees according to the severity and kind of dyslexia that an individual has. Dyslexia is not attributable to a vision or hearing defect. It persists beyond the time when most...