Titanic, The Ship Even Man Could Sink

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Titanic, the Ship Even Man could Sink The crew of the titanic was as well trained as any crew of that day.

During their first fateful voyage their skills would be put to the test. Knowing what we are supposed to do and how to do it are very different from actually being able to perform our duties under pressure when time dictates that you need to. This was a lesson that the crew of the Titanic had to learn the hard way. Many more lives would have been saved had the crew of the Titanic performed duties more efficiently and morally. If there were not so many downfalls in the performance of jobs and delegation of authority, the death toll on the voyage in question would have been smaller. No one person in my opinion can be excluded from blame. Fault can be found all the way from the craftsmen who built the ship to the 6th officer.

Arrogance and complacency have been the downfall of many a proud man.

Whether, it is in the man himself or the creations of that man, Being over-confidant has never gotten anybody anywhere. The whole mystique surrounding the Titanic wreaked of conceit and arrogance. Such conceit ranged from the mocking of God with a statement such as, ?Not even God can sink this ship? (Cussler 27); to refusing to equip the ship with enough lifeboats to bring all passengers to safety in the event that this unsinkable ship might actually sink. The Titanic even ignored British regulations according to Walter Lord: All British vessels over 10,000 tons must carry 16 lifeboats with a capacity of 5500 cubic feet, plus enough rafts and floats for 75 percent of the capacity of the ship. The lifeboats the Titanic was equipped with only covered...