Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade November 2001

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Titanium The element Titanium was discovered by William Gregor in 1789, who named the element menachite. Three years later the German Chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth rediscovered the element and named it "Titanium"� as refering to the mythological Greek Titans.

Titanium is produced commercially by reducing titanium tetrachloride with magnesium. It is never found in a pure state.

We use Titanium for many different reasons, such as for airplanes, aircraft's, missiles, hulls of ships and the parts exposed to sea water, artist paint, hip replacements, and joints. However it is mostly used in house paints.

Titanium is found in igneous rocks and sediments derived from them. It also occurs in mineral rutile, ilmenite and sphere. It is also present in titanates and many iron ores.

Titanium burns in air, but yet it is a very special element because it is the only element that burns in nitrogen. It is flat only in oxygen free atmosphere.

It is resistant to hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, most organic acids, chlorine gas and chloride solutions. It is also resistant to alkalis.

It's atomic number is twenty-two and it's atomic mass is forty-eight. Its description is hard, lustrous metal that is as strong as steel but much lighter.

Some interesting facts about titanium is that it is the only element that burns in nitrogen, and that was named after the Greek Titans for it's strength. Its melting point is at 1933 degrees Fahrenheit and its boiling point is at 3560 degrees Fahrenheit.