Titration Lab

Essay by fbaxterCollege, UndergraduateB+, September 2014

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Lecture Guide

CHM 110

General Chemistry, CHM 110

You will be responsible for learning the names and symbols of the following elements.

Al Aluminum

Sb Antimony

Ar Argon

As Arsenic

Ba Barium

Be Beryllium

Bi Bismuth

B Boron

Br Bromine

Cd Cadmium

Cs Cesium

Ca Calcium

C Carbon

Ce Cerium

Cl Chlorine

Cr Chromium

Co Cobalt

Cu Copper

F Fluorine

Fr Francium

Ga Gallium

Ge Germanium

Au Gold

He Helium

H Hydrogen

In Indium

I Iodine

Ir Iridium

Fe Iron

Kr Krypton

La Lanthanum

Pb Lead

Li Lithium

Mg Magnesium

Mn Manganese

Hg Mercury

Mo Molybdenum

Ne Neon

Ni Nickel

N Nitrogen

Os Osmium

O Oxygen

Pd Palladium

P Phosphorus

Pt Platinum

Pu Plutonium

K Potassium

Ra Radium

Rn Radon Rb Rubidium

Sc Scandium

Se Selenium

Si Silicon

Ag Silver

Na Sodium

Sr Strontium

S Sulfur

Ta Tantalum

Th Thorium

Sn Tin

Ti Titanium

W Tungsten

U Uranium

V Vanadium

Xe Xenon

Y Yttrium

Zn Zinc

Zr Zirconium

Memorize ASAP

Summary of Ions


Positive Ions:

Group IA Group IIA Group IIIA Other Metals with More Than One Valence

Li+ Mg+2 Al+3 Cu+ cuprous Hg22+ mercurous

Na+ Ca+2 Cu2+ cupric Hg2+ mercuric

K+ Sr+2 Other: Pb2+ plumbous Sn2+ stannous

Rb+ Ba+2 Zn+2 Pb4+ plumbic Sn4+ stannic

Cs+ Ag+ Fe2+ ferrous Cr2+ chromium (II)

H+ Fe3+ ferric Cr3+ chromium (III)

Mn2+ manganese(II) Ni2+ nickel (II)

Polyatomic Ions:

NH4+ ammonium

Negatiave Ions:

In Binary Compounds:

H- hydride O2- oxide N3- nitride

F- fluoride S2- sulfide

I- iodide O22- peroxide

Cl- chloride

Br- bromide

In Polyatomic Ions:

C2H3O2 acetate SO42- sulfate S2O32- thiosulfate

CO32- carbonate SO32- sulfite CrO42- chromate

HCO3 bicarbonate HSO4 bisulfate Cr2O72- dichromate

ClO4 perchlorate HSO3 bisulfite NO3 nitrate

ClO3 chlorate PO43- phosphate NO2 nitrite

ClO2 chlorite PO33- phosphite

ClO hypochlorite MnO4 permanganate

CN cyanide OH hydroxide

Common Acids:...