"Tragedy of julius ceaser" by William Shakespeare.

Essay by girlattherockshowHigh School, 11th grade August 2003

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-The Tradgedy Julius Caesar-

Drama often deals with characters in times of great stress and how they react to and express this. This is demonstrated in William Shakespeare's play "The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar" by the behaviours of a number of characters such as Caesar, Brutus, Mark Antony and Portia. Through the suggestion of stress in these characters and their weaknesses expressed from this Shakespeare builds them and the play up to tragic consequences. From the very beginning of the play we can see how stress and the placement of it on characters plays an important part in highlighting flaws and weaknesses in characters. This gives us and important insight into the characters, and contributes to the way the reader may anticipate the way in which the oncoming tragedy or the downfall of the characters may unfold.

This is expressed early on in the play by the character Julius Caesar.

When walking in the street Caesar is warned by two tribunes in the street to beware of his own demise On The Ides of March Caesar takes no heed to this warning, taking it lightly and brushes it of as none-sense. This is a very important occurrence as it suggests Caeser as arrogant and self-imposed causing him to ignore a potentially stressful situation for his own benefit. Although at the time Caesar saw his actions as an easy way of successfully avoiding and overcoming stress and an uncomfortable situation, we see that this attitude caused his death. This event gives way to a vitally important theory, which the reader may develop. If this reaction to a minor stressful by such a seemingly grounded and important character can have such a disastrous outcome, what chance do the other characters stand?

Which leads us to Brutus. Brutus is presented to us a...