The Tragic Hero, Macbeth

Essay by holocentauriHigh School, 10th gradeA, March 2004

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Through The Tragedy of Macbeth, the readers witness the rise and fall of the power of Macbeth from a loved and respected nobleman to a feared tyrant. He is a tragic hero who was brought to his demise by his own ambition, guilt, fear and self-doubt. Macbeth is pictured as a valiant hero, a courageous warrior, and one of King Duncan's most favored generals. Macbeth's greed first became apparent upon meeting the three witches whose prophecies told of Macbeth becoming the Thane of Cawdor. When the first prophesy becomes reality, Macbeth immediately longs for more power. He reveals his true self under his façade. As Macbeth realizes that he must murder the king to obtain the throne; he convinces himself that murder is beyond his capabilities.

Macbeth shares a strong bond with his wife claiming that she is "his dearest partner in greatness."(I.iv.11) Immediately after Macbeth becomes the Thane of Cawdor, he writes a letter to Lady Macbeth to inform her about the prophecies of the three witches and about "what thou art promised."(I.iv.15)

Lady Macbeth decides Kind Duncan must be killed to secure her husbands' place as king and hers' as queen after reading Macbeth's letter. Lady Macbeth fears that the prophecies are "too full o' th' milk of human kindness,"(I.iv.16) to be obtained the easiest way, so she took matters into her own hands by planning and convincing Macbeth into the murder which further inflamed Macbeth's greed and ambition. Lady Macbeth plans for the murder of Duncan to occur on the very same night when Duncan sleeps in Macbeth's castle. Macbeth believes in the judgment and ability of Lady Macbeth, so concurred with little hesitation showing his indecision and greed.

Macbeth struggles to commit murder seeing Duncan as a worthy and humble king, and acknowledges...