Transformational Leadership Theory

Essay by istealpants February 2010

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Transformational leadership is about implementing new ideas. These leaders continually change stay flexible and adaptable, and continually improve those around them. Transformational leadership is a process that motivates people by appealing to higher ideals and moral values, defining and articulating a vision of the future, and forming a base of credibility. Transformational leaders emphasize new possibilities have an exciting vision of the future. Organizations that are trying to change who are led by transforming leaders appeal to human characteristics. Transformational leaders manifest passionate inspiration and visibly model appropriate behaviors. The goal is change that raises the organizations to new heights. To reach the goal, organizations must receive new energy and vision from their leaders. Transformational leaders emphasize the need for understanding change as a process. One of the key factors in the change process is for each person to become and remain a continual learner. These types of leaders influence unique human qualities.

Transformational leaders are preoccupied with purposes, values, morals, and ethics. They align internal structures to reinforce values and goals. They seek to release human potential and lead into new directions. Transformational leaders have an impact on the psychology and behavior of followers in order to shape their values.

Prescriptive Adequacy - The theory of transformational leadership can be applied to any leader to improve the effectiveness of their methods. By trying to become more transformational a leader can obtain more long-term and major change.

Logical Adequacy - The idea that empowering one's followers in order to make them more apt to work harder for their leader can be constantly seen in many forums. Because of this it can easily be understood why this concept is a solid one.

Empirical Adequacy - A considerable amount of empirical research has been completed supporting the benefits of the distinction. In...