Transition to Middle Adulthood

Essay by jbrady4University, Master'sA+, May 2004

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According to The National Institute of Open Schooling (2004), middle age is a term

used to describe the period of latter twenties, into thirties and forties, and leading into late fifties. This period is characterized by increased competence, maturity, responsibility and stability. This is the e when one wants to enjoy the success of job, satisfaction derived from the family and social life. People look forward to the success of their children as attention becomes focused on health, the fate of children, aging parents, the use of leisure time and plans for old age. For women, menopause occurs between the ages of forty-

five and fifty. Menopause is typically accompanied by some distressing physical and psychological symptoms in women that also impacts middle adulthood. Men during this period, show greater concern towards their health, strength, power and sexual potency. Midlife is also viewed as a period of creativity and significant contribution to society.

Mid-life transition is something that happens to individuals typically ranging from thirties to late fifties. It is a natural process and is a normal part of maturing. These experiences at mid-life can occur naturally or result from some significant changes that are inevitably going to occur at some point along the continuum. Coming to terms with such changes can be difficult enough, but when it is complicated by mid-life transition, the process can seem bewildering and overwhelming (Huyck, 1993).

Physically middle adulthood represents a time of slowing down. Physical changes typically begin around the age of thirty and gradually increase with time. There is a

slow steady decline in strength as individuals tend to have less energy, experience more fatigue, and experience a decreased tolerance for movement and exercise. There are

often changes in sleep patterns, weight changes (typically weight gain), changes in eyesight (usually decreased acuity),