Trollope's "City of Love": Report is about author Francis Trollope known for her unique and controversial style. She was a female English author who wrote several novels in the early 1800's.

Essay by NitroMikeCollege, UndergraduateA+, November 2006

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Books have been a favorite pastime of readers since the invention of the first book. There are many different types of books written for the reference, educational and entertainment needs of the readers. Novels have been a first choice of readers across the world as a source of entertainment and relaxation. Competition among authors was extremely hard before the invention of radio and television. The success barriers were very difficult to overcome and proved even more difficult, if not impossible, for a woman. Francis Trollope, known for her unique and controversial style, was a female English author who wrote several novels in the early 1800's. Trollope relocated to Cincinnati, Ohio, for a period of time lasting less than three years. While residing in Cincinnati she developed a very negative opinion of the city and eventually blamed the failure of a business venture the city and its residents. Many critics believe Trollope used the power of her writings to exploit revenge on the residents and city of Cincinnati for the failure of her new business based in Cincinnati.

In order to successfully study the blistering comments and their relationship to her failed business in Cincinnati, it is important to research select facts regarding Trollope's life from the very beginning. Francis Trollope was born March 10, 1779, in Stapleton, England. Reverend William Hilton and Francis Gresley home-schooled their daughter, Francis Trollope, near Bristol, England (American National Biography Online. par1). In the early 1800's Francis met a rising barrister named Thomas Anthony Trollope and they were soon married in 1809 (American National Biography Online par.2). Francis gave birth to seven children between 1810 and 1818, but began her career as an author at the age of fifty three. The decision to become an author was made as a result...