Tuvan people and the Igil. A formal analysis of a video on mymusiclab about the Tuvan people.

Essay by Goat300College, UndergraduateA+, March 2012

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Tuvan lies in the geographical center of Asia, in Southern Siberia. The tuvans are known for their use of the overtone singing style. One of the most important instruments that are utilized by the tuvans is the "igil." This instrument has many cultural values and significance. Looking at Video 1, this instrument is played by bowing the strings and is held nearly upright when played. It can also be seen from the video near the top of the neck above the tuning pegs, there is a shape of a carved horse's head. There is a famous Tuvan tale, which illustrates how the igil originated and why the horse is significant on the igil. The tale starts off about a boy named Ösküs-ool, who adopts a baby mare from an evil Mongolian prince that was about to abandon the mare because it was orphaned. Ösküs-ool began to feed the mare and take care of it, and soon it became a great gray stallion.

Ösküs-ool's horse began to beat the evil prince's horses in every race. It became a favorite of the people, and with each win became more famous throughout Tuvan. The evil prince then became angered, and ordered his servants to steal the horse and push it over a cliff. Ösküs-ool began to search endlessly for his horse, but came up short. He then had a dream about his horse telling him to hang the horse's skull on an old larch tree. Then to make a musical instrument from the wood of that tree, call it 'igil' and cover it with the skin of the horse's face. Ösküs-ool did as the horse in his dream commanded. He then played the instrument, and remembered the good times he had with this horse, the igil seemed happy. He then remembered his horse...