UMS Essay

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2002

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The fast pace market trends and the growing demands for superior information processing is forcing the technology in the telephone and data communication industry to surpass its current standards. The Unified Messaging System (UMS) of a company is a solution for this increasing global trends. The current marvel in the communication industry is the concept of worldwide messaging. Many means of messaging exist, however, there are five types of communication most businesses receive their messages from; telephone, facsimile, W-mail, Web site response, and post. UMS will collect the messages and place them in once central point for the end-user.

For instance, there are more than half a billion electronic mailboxes around the world; the mailboxes are either voice mailboxes or traditional e-mail boxes. In addition, the number of mailboxes is growing by 30% a year and will pass the one billion mark within the next few years. People have to check all of their mailboxes to retrieve information delivered to them.

With "UMS"�, a person will receive all types of messages in one place and be able to send all types of messages from one place. The concept of unified messaging basically involves breaking down the terminal and media barriers so that people using various technologies, media, and terminals can still communicate with one another anytime and from anywhere around the world. Unified messaging essentially represents the amalgamation of many or possibly all of the elements that users and service providers attribute to the messaging environment.

Messaging brings benefits and value to service providers, businesses, and individuals. The following chart illustrating different elements associated with users and service providers of unified messaging.

User & Business Elements Service Provider Elements Access and notification Total cost of ownership Reliability and dependability Operations, administration, & maintenance Ease of uses Service creation flexibility Multimedia...