
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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Careers as Lifelong Learning With the decline and/or transformation of firms that have been the ultimate providers of security to employees, such as IBM, GM, Boeing and Lloyd's of London, the career path of a series of upward moves based on a long term relationship suddenly seems passé'. For this chapter let us think of the career in terms of the development of a person's skills, capacities to learn and self-identity.

I What has happened to careers? Downsizing, restructuring, outsourcing of American jobs to foreign countries, higher job demands and reductions in heath and pension benefits have taken its toll on the corporate career for the last decade and a half. Let's take a look at job loss totals for early 80's and 90's: 1980's 3.4 million from Fortune 500 companies 1986 - 1991 80% of 400 employers downsized to a workforce of 12.4%avg.

Reason for such losses? Economic recession, global competition and U.S.

deindustrailization, along with companies force workers to do more for less, which also ushered in the birth of the two-income family. With the loss of trust and less benefits, most Americans believe executives are only interested in power and money.

II Future Trends: Will career prospects brighten? The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the US workforce has in the past rapidly increased in the 70's and 80's due to the baby boomers entering into the workforce. But they also projected a not so high increase for the 90's due to a lot of boomers leaving the workforce.

1970's - 19% increase 1980's - 29% increase 1990 projected 13% increase The U.S. firms are moving from brawn to brain jobs, which there will be an apparent skill gap. The American workers are being urged to go back to school for higher education and return...