Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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Is the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports dangerous? To what degree do these drugs truly enhance strength, size, training ability, and muscular performance? Not only are the answers to these questions still unclear, they are the subjects of deep controversy. This paper will examine those two major issues, first dealing with steroids and their effect on athletic performance and attitude then dealing with various effects that drugs have had in professional sports.

In order to understand why we are confronted with the problem of performance-enhancing drug use in athletics today, we must look at the history of the development of anabolic steroids: a group of powerful synthetic chemical compounds that resemble the natural male sex hormones (Schwarzenneger 722). Anabolic steroids were first developed in the 1930?s as a therapeutic drug to treat growth hormone replacement in deficient children, menopausal symptoms, impotence, and the retardation of the effects of aging by stimulating the rate of synthesis of protein molecules (Biology 121 Web Project 1).

These steroids are a simulated testosterone hormone of the ?steroid hormone? group. Most simply understood, the hormones function by passing from the blood stream into individual cells where the hormones bind to a receptor and activate certain genes that cause the production of a protein, especially muscle proteins (et. al.).The steroid hormones (which are also produced naturally) are synthesized from cholesterol.

By the late 1940?s, bodybuilders had discovered the effects of testosterone as a means to stimulate muscle growth and to make themselves train with more intensity and aggression (Schwarzenneger 723). In 1953, the first truly synthetic anabolic steroid was developed, having a strength-building effect three to five times higher than testosterone. In the 1960 Olympic games, the International Olympic Committee, for the first time, detected a case of steroid use-a Russian cyclist collapsed and died...