Is Utopia possible in this world (text analysis)

Essay by eolayCollege, UndergraduateA+, March 2004

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What is Utopia? Utopia can be defined in many different ways. Utopia can mean a place of ideal perfection or it can represent a system of social and political perfection. Different people see Utopia signify different things. Due to an individual's thoughts, concepts and also beliefs, a person can obtain their own personal perspective of what Utopia is. Associating Utopia with a place where there is perfection in all aspects of life, views of the possible existence or creation of such a wondrous and incredible place can be presented. To answer the question "Is Utopia possible in this world?" we have to consider if absolute perfection can exist in the world today or in the future. There are many factors influencing the possible existence of Utopia. Many cases in history and stories portrayed in fictional resources show that there are many major barriers standing in the way of Utopia being achieved.

An in-depth study of four sources relating to the topic of utopia reveals that Utopia is not likely to be possible in many situations. The novel "Animal Farm", the film "Spiderman", the website "Is Utopia Possible" and the song "Peace Train" are four sources that all help to form a response to the question "Is Utopia possible in this world?" After detailed analysis of these four sources it is perhaps sensible to say that Utopia, a world of perfection, cannot exist in our current time with so many barriers and flaws in society today.

The novel "Animal Farm" by George Orwell explores the obstacles involved in creating Utopia, making it a nearly impossible task. Orwell uses animals to represent people with all different personalities, knowledge and diligence. In this story Orwell is referring the story to the Russian revolution of 1917. He believed that...