Variable differences within cultures throughout our world

Essay by Shawn1969University, Bachelor'sA+, September 2009

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AbstractVariable differences exist amongst and within cultures throughout our world, especially between traditional and non-traditional cultures. These two sub-categories of culture are contrasting and this can be seen very clearly when comparing the culture of the Amish and the culture of San Francisco. The Amish are a traditional culture that encompasses beliefs, values, and behaviors of the past. San Francisco, however, is a non-traditional culture that is guided by a general acceptance of a diverse culture base. Aside from the obvious differences of cultures such as language, significant variations are present in the ways in which that society organizes themselves and their conception of tradition and morality.

Traditional and Non-traditional CulturesThe importance of culture lies in the links that it creates between and amongst people. Culture gives individuals and communities an identity that can be passed down from generation to generation or developed and changed by the generations. Traditional cultures are built on principle and beliefs of the past while non-traditional cultures are open to change and envelop it.

Despite their differences, non-traditional cultures share similarities with traditional cultures such as a desire to preserve the histories that have made them what they are today. This paper will review the values, beliefs and behaviors of the Amish community and the city of San Francisco to explore similarities and differences between traditional and non-traditional cultures.

Defining Traditional and Non-Traditional CulturesTraditional cultures are usually established in the past and rooted in traditions, principles, values, and rules. They tend to be restrictive, conservative and intolerant to innovations. An example of a traditional culture is the Amish. The Amish are a Christian group known for its simple living and strict rules. The rules of the church must be observed by every member and cover most aspects of daily life (Nolt, 1992). Traditional cultures...