Watergate Scandal: How Deep throat was involved

Essay by ezqfergHigh School, 12th gradeA+, May 2005

download word file, 1 pages 2.0

In the book of "All the President's Men," the Watergate scandal almost always relates to a unanimous person by the name of "Deep Throat." This unanimous person was Bob's connection and source for information within the Watergate scandal. It was because of this person that Bob and Carl were able to uncover the scandal.

Woodward described their source as holding an extremely sensitive position in the executive branch, and as one "who could be contacted only on very important occasions." He was dubbed "Deep Throat" by managing editor Howard Simons after a popular porn film. At the time, the source encouraged Woodward and Bernstein to "follow the money" and confirmed or denied reports from other sources.

"Deep Throat" started contacting Bob Woodward via telephone. But after the Watergate scandal gained huge media attention, he no longer felt comfortable talking on the phone. From that point on, he would put marks on Bob's newspaper when he wanted to tell him something.

They would then meet in person on rare occasions.

Woodward and Bernstein were lucky to have such a trustful informant in the White House. "Deep Throat" was largely responsible for letting out information to reveal the truth. Without him, the Watergate Scandal would never have been solved.