Were the mills truly satanic?

Essay by manisha2001 November 2014

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Manisha Marwaha 8C

Were the mills truly satanic?

1. Study Source I:

Source I: A small portrayal of the differences between one of the biggest separation in the Victorian times - the rich and the poor. The two classes show vast opinion differences and how they are treated as shown in the picture. The picture consists of two pictures which are on top of each other. The first one - which is on the top - shows clearly rich people, who are the owners of what below is the mines where the poor are forced to work. The differences are extremely significant, but also may hide examples of subtlety which emphasise the differences. The picture of the rich may be complimented by the fact it is on top of the picture of the poor. Although this picture is smaller, it seems there is not much needed to portray such diversity.

The picture of the poor is twice as big as the other one, just showing the horror these beings must face. The conditions they work in is determined by the rich, and they clearly do not care when you see even a glimpse of the state they work in. Also, their income is minuscule, therefore making the rich receive profit.

2. Journal of Chamber and William Cobbett:

'The passing of the Chambers' Journal will be regretted as that of a distinctive journal which has played a memorable part in the history of the periodical literature for more than 120 years.' So The Times remarked speaking of the Chambers' journal on the 7 December 1956. The Chambers' journal - which was the second oldest magazine in Britain - was founded by William and Robert Chambers in 1832. Blackwood's Magazine being the oldest caused them to face some competition. At the...