Why the Catalans and the BAsques don't consider themselves Spaniards.

Essay by valisevoUniversity, Master'sA+, March 2004

download word file, 3 pages 3.0

Spain is country with

The official name of Spain is "Kingdom of Spain" with capital Madrid. The constitutional of Spain is Monarchy which includes an area of 504,782 Sq Km which is smaller than France but twice bigger as Italy with estimated population of 39.439.400.

Spain is located on the Iberian Peninsula in South WEST Europe which includes the Balearic and Canary Islands as well as the Moroccan enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. Spain is right on the Iberian Peninsula which is bound by France and Andorra to the northeast, Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the southeast and east, the Strait of Gibraltar and Morocco to the south and the Bay of Biscay to the northwest. Spain consists of the Meseta or Central Plateau which is surrounded by the Baetic, Andalusian and Iberian Mountains to the south and southeast, and the Pyrenees to the north as well as the Cordillera Cantabrica to the northwest.

Along the northwest coast there are Rias which form several good harbors. The country has over 1,800 rivers and streams. Major Cities are Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville and Zaragoza.

The clime of Spain is Mediterranean in both coast areas and the temperature changes from the central which has hot summers and cold winters, the southern regions of mountains have warm temperature. It usually ecperinces three climatic types: continetial, maritime and Mediterranean. The Atlantic is what they used to call it "the bad" place because of the fortunes has warm weather.

The population of Spain is divided into ethnic groups which also have their own languages: Castilian which is the official language, Basque, Catalan and Galician whereas; other minorities include Gitanos, Magyras, Gypses and Jews. Their religion is mostly Christian with less than 1% of protestant.

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