Why The Drinking Age Should Be Hept At 21

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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More than 50 million people have alcohol problems in the USA. Alcohol is related to 1000,000 deaths per year. Teenagers are probably most associated with alcohol.

The drinking age is 21 but they have already exist many discussions about a lowering or even about eliminating the legal drinking age. However, the drinking age should be kept at 21 for many reasons.

One good reason to keep the drinking age at 21 is the physical effect that appears by the use of alcohol. Alcohol starts to play a big role in the early stage of someone's life.

It can be fatal if it's consumed in large amounts. But even in small amounts alcohol can have damaging effects on the brain, liver, heart, stomach, and the kidney.

Drinkers have to fight with confusion and memory loss. Even memorizing a name can become a big problem. In addition to the confusion and the memory loss the motor functions of the body can be damaged.

That leads to coordination problems and can result in driving accidents, falls, and other injuries. But not only the brain and the motor functions are impaired. The heart, which is one of the most important organs in our body can also be attacked by the alcohol. Drinking causes a change in the heart vessels. In the long run it can lead to heart attacks and heart failures. Alcohol can also become dangerous for women who are pregnant. Women have to be very careful by consuming alcohol during pregnancy. It might affect the Childs health. Everything what the mother eats and drinks while she is pregnant affects her baby as well. A newborn can face seeing and hearing problems and more damaging effects. The consequence of the alcohol is a baby for his whole life under medication.

(Source: http://www.modmh.state.mo.us and Report: Are you under control) The second reason why we should prevent an early use of alcohol is the physical effect. Teens already become alcohol dependent in as few as six month. Alcohol is depressant. It can lead to behavior problems such as unprotected sex, violence, and drunk driving. More than 70% of all households that consume alcohol are involved in child abuse cases. 86% are homicides cases and more than 40% car accidents per year happen through influence of alcohol. Drinkers have problems to set goals and are unable to handle responsibility. It could influence schoolwork and other activities outside the school. They can't carry the responsibility and schoolwork can result in bad grades and a bad scholarship.

(Source: http://www.modmh.state.mo.us and Report: Are you under control) The last reason why drinking should be kept at 21 is the social issue.

Drinkers are separating themselves from the society. They hardly speak to anyone and stay out off conversations. They have mostly no friends and no support from their family.

Alcoholics live most of the time alone and have no contact to the outside world. Besides going to work they only go out when they need to take care of their groceries. Most drinkers however deny that they depend on alcohol and look for other excuses to blame on why they are separating themselves. Most likely, young drinkers will avoid any contact to the parents and their friends. That can result in overdose of alcohol and an early death.

(Report: Are you under control) We have to prevent our children from drinking alcohol and the best way we can do it is to keep the drinking age at 21. It can get out of control and we have to prevent more car accidents and alcohol related deaths in total. Folks under 21 cannot fully understand the situation that occurs by consuming alcohol. We can reduce this risk by just setting the drinking age at 21. However, we have to get more involved in the control over the buying of alcohol. It is still not enough done to make it more difficult to buy alcohol.