Why people gravitate towards evil.

Essay by grrliciousCollege, UndergraduateA-, April 2003

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There are many reasons why people gravitate towards evil. For instance, there are two Psychological theories for what makes people behave as they do and they are nature (biological factors) versus nurture (environmental factors). The nature theory would suggest that certain people would gravitate towards evil because there is something in their biological make-up that causes them to behave this way. On the other hand, the nurture theory would argue that if a person grew up in a bad environment, they would behave in an undesirable manner.

Also, there have been studies using identical twins that have been separated at birth and raised by different families. These studies show that even though they grew up in completely different environments, they still had many of the same personality traits, mannerisms, etc. This would support the nature theory.

How much behavior is a matter of free will (choices made freely by an individual), and how much is subject to determinism, the notion that behavior is largely produced by factors beyond people's willful control? For example, some psychologists specializing in psychological disorders argue that people make intentional choices and that those who display so-called "abnormal behavior" should be considered responsible for their actions.

Other psychologists disagree and contend that such individuals are the victims of forces beyond their control (Feldman 19)

Another theory about why people gravitate towards evil is because they are born with a sinful nature. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The only way to overcome this sinful nature is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior.

The nature theory suggests that certain people would gravitate towards evil because there is something in their biological make-up that causes them to behave this way. The nurture theory argues that if...