Why I Want To Become A Civil Engineer

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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Why I decided to major in Civil Engineering? Last Year around this time, I did not know the answer to this question myself. I was confused when it came to choosing a career. I still had the questions in my mind when I was asked to write this five-page paper. Then, I got a job at an engineering firm, a firm that involves the construction of buildings, roads, and bridges. They also deal with storm and drainage sewers. As I looked into engineering, I decided that I liked many of the characteristics involved with civil engineering. Although I knew the education would be difficult, I was determined that civil engineering is the career that I wanted to practice. So I asked myself what is civil engineering? This career cannot be defined with a single definition from me but there are many barriers that a woman civil engineer must overcome and it covers an immeasurable area of responsibilities.

Civil engineers design, plan, construct, and operate projects that meet basic human satisfaction. Civil engineers solve real world problems with the combination of applying mathematics, natural sciences, and common sense. Before deciding to pursue a career in civil engineering, I had a change of mind on many occasions my first major was industrial engineering then I decided that I was right for civil engineering. Most young girls can be found occupying their childhood time with dolls and having teatime. But not me I was playing in the dirt and building things with the boys instead of just playing with baby dolls. As a child I received enjoyment from planning events, designing school projects, and constructing special activities. At times I have realized that I have the ability to see and understand how the intelligent use of nature has made our society today...