Work Centrality and Hofstede's four dimensions

Essay by AmBeddUniversity, Bachelor's July 2004

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1) Discuss the concept of work centrality and its implications for motivation. Use specific country examples and discuss the relative meaning of work in those countries.

The relative importance of work compared to that of leisure, community, religion, and family is known as "work centrality." It is the "degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual at any given point in time."

In Japan, work is accorded a very high value according to research. The Japanese consider work to be important as a source of income and a way to keep one occupied. They don't necessarily see it in aesthetic terms as do people in the Netherlands and Belgium, who, nonetheless aren't keen on the notion of work. Studies show that those nationalities who value work as enjoyable and fulfilling don't tend to be as work oriented. Although Americans don't rate as highly work oriented, they seem to balance out the pragmatic and aesthetics of an occupation.

They value work as a sign of prestige along with the Germans, who are much more highly work oriented.

2) What are the implications for motivation of Hofstede's research findings on the dimensions of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, and masculinity?

High-power distance suggest motivators in the relationships between subordinates and their boss, whereas low power distance implies that people would be more motivated by teamwork and relations with their peers.

High uncertainty avoidance implies a need for job security and low uncertainty avoidance means that people would be more motivated by more risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement.

High individualism means people would be more motivated by opportunities for individual advancement and autonomy; collectivism, rather than individualism, suggests motivation will be more likely through group goals and support.

High masculinity suggest that most...