World Religions: Buddhism

Essay by maguirre2005University, Bachelor'sA+, January 2006

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"I teach about suffering and the way to end it"


World Religions: Buddhism

In last week paper we discussed about Hinduism, in this paper we will discuss Buddhism. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion surpassed only by Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. One of the main differences between Buddhism and Hinduism is that in the late one there is an strict lifelong caste classification system. The teachings of Buddha rejected the caste social class classification. In Buddhism everybody is permitted to change her/his social class. Buddhism is a peculiar Religion, on one hand, Buddhism philosophy teaches that life is pain and suffering and on the other hand, Buddhism teaches to enjoy every second of our life.

Siddhartha Gautama was born around 563 BC in Lumbini, now Nepal. Siddhartha left his family -wife and children-, house, and all possessions to look for the truth of life when he was 29 years old.

He lived with India's Gurus and wise men for many years. After long time of studying, he attained illumination and changed his name (Chodzin) to "Buddha (means the awakened one)". He had numerous followers and funded Buddhism. Buddha died in 483 BC in his early 80's.

Buddhism Philosophy

The fundamental principles of Buddhism philosophy are the Four Noble Truths.

1. Dukkha: Existence is anguish and suffering. (Bhikkhu, first) "Now this, monks, is the Noble Truth of dukkha:

Birth is dukkha, aging is dukkha, death is dukkha; sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, & despair are dukkha; association with the unbeloved is dukkha; separation from the loved is dukkha; not getting what is wanted is dukkha. In short, the five clinging-aggregates are dukkha."

2. Trsna: The origin of suffering is craving or adhering to the wrong things. (Bhikkhu, second) "And this,

monks is the noble truth of the origination of dukkha:...