World War 2 and Pearl Harbor

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

download word file, 1 pages 5.0

In WWII 47, 925, 400 lives were lost in many different events. All events were important to the outcome of the war and our world today, but two events that stand out from this war are the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust, because of their impact on our world today. In both events innocent people were killed. The two events effected people in very similar and very different ways. Each event had different reasons behind it, but both were brutal, unexpected attacks on humankind.

The Holocaust and Pearl Harbor The Holocaust and the attack of Pearl Harbor affected people in many similar, and different ways. In both events many innocent people were killed. The difference is that Pearl Harbor was an attack against the American government, and the Holocaust was an attack against human kind. Both events came as a shock. When the planes came flying overhead at Pearl Harbor or when a Nazi came knocking at the door, it was always a surprise.

No one knew why were being attacked, and no one knew what to do. Panic was everywhere and people were scared, not only for themselves but for the world around them. People lost loved ones in both events, and it took a while to find out if loved ones had died, although the wait was much longer for those in the Holocaust. The greatest similarity between Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust is what people learned. It was learned that we must never let something like Pearl Harbor or the Holocaust happen again. They were, and still are, two of the most important events in history.

In both events innocent people were killed. The two events effected people in very similar and very different ways. Each event had different reasons behind it, but...