Write an essay which explains what you understand about the importance of Imaginative Journeys as a means of gaining knowledge of self and our place in the universe.

Essay by misty_angelHigh School, 12th gradeB+, July 2004

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Imaginative journeys are a great importance to one's life as it is a key that holds the experience to gain knowledge of self and one's place in the universe. There are several texts which explore this concept, such as "Frost at Midnight" and "Kubla Khan" written by Samuel Coleridge as well as Victor Kelleher's book cover of his novel "The Ivory Trail". All of these texts illustrate the immense power of a human's imagination through the creation of journeys. This symbolises the importance of taking the journey of the mind and how it connects to one's soul.

Coleridge's poetries show the concept of journeys being inseparable from the imagination. In the poem, "Frost at Midnight," Coleridge uses his creative imagination and fascination with nature to create a beautiful picture of "the gifts God had given him". The narrator of the poem switches between his imaginative journey and his thoughts.

The poem uses iambic pentameter, which is the closest meter to conversation, as well as enjambment to help the poem flow in a conversational way. The journey of the persona's imagination is the beginning of his mind to wander from memories of his own school days to a speculation of the future of his baby. The reader is aware that he is taking an imaginative journey from the first line of the stanza "But O! how oft, How oft, at school". This journey is composed of a montage of memories and the persona appears to be transcending to a different time and place. The narrator makes a statement about the idea when he comments about the fire being a "toy of Thought". This can be interpreted to mean that perhaps his subconscious wandering mind sees this fire, hitting with realisation and acknowledgement of what thoughts it brings him -...