"Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthrone.

Essay by jlcangel77College, UndergraduateA+, May 2003

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In the story "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthrone, the author twists ordinary images in order to show the reader that they should keep their guard up against immoral influences that are in the world all around them. This story is an allegory dealing with people's morals in life. The story takes place in a puritan town in Salem back when there believed to be witches. Goodman Browns grandfather and relatives took part in killing and beating the witches in town. The story starts out on a cold night where Goodman Brown sets out into the woods for a long journey.

"He had taken a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind." The author compares the path to the snake in order to show that the path was tempting.

Snakes have always been seen as tempting such as in The Bible with Adam and Eve. Snakes are sneaky and quiet, when they appear they startle us. Snakes also shed their skin. This could be seen by many as the Devil because he can change to look like anyone to trick us. Goodman Brown questions weither or not to take this path, it looks gloomy and dreary but it appeals to him in some way. Hawthrone does a good job getting this across to the reader. When I first read it I though to myself there is something wrong with this path and to my self I said "Don't take it!" But Brown takes the path, which leads to his destination.

The wind and air play a huge role in this story because they come to life and have a negative effect. Whenever the wind blows something bad is going...