Zebra Mussel town meeting

Essay by mooney179High School, 10th gradeA+, December 2003

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Not all of the groups liked the proposal that was selected. The proposal combined the ideas presented by both the utility companies and the boat and lake house owners, so these groups were pleased. However, The I.O. committee may not have fully understood the proposal presented by the entrepreneurs, and this is why it wasn't chosen. The selected proposals were supported by scientists and are supposed to be environmentally friendly. Yet, the possibility exists that these perfumes and water softeners may have harmful effects on other organisms in the lake that we are not aware of at this time.

In general, all of the presentations were clear and they all had supporting quotes from scientists. The utility group wrote main ideas and thoughts on the board and the entrepreneurs drew a detailed picture of the pipe system, which was helpful. The boat and lake house owners did not use the board to list any ideas.

None of the groups became emotional over the decisions or arguments. I think I could have improved my presentation by saying more to support our proposal.

Zebra mussels can effect my life in some ways both directly and indirectly. While swimming in the lake once I cut my foot on a zebra mussel. The smell that is created around the lake edge is unpleasant and will cause me not to visit the lake. The maintenance costs involved with cleaning pipes can raise peoples' utility bills. Also the zebra mussels cause the water to be more clear, allowing sunlight to reach the bottom of the lake and the weeds grow larger causing my boat motors to get clogged and making it more difficult to swim in the lake.