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Search term: belief-that

The Validity of the Cosmological, Ontological, and Teleological Arguements

... infer that this sustaining cause is a concious being that acts purposefully in the world."7 1. Reason & religious Belief , ... belief. Why can't I concieve of the greatest possible apple? My conception of such an apple may be completely different from that ...

(5 pages) 88 2 4.8 03/Jan/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics


... independent entities: their existence and nature is independent of our beliefs and judgments about them. 3. The Phaedo contains an ... For how would it be possible that I should know . . . that something is lacking in me, and that I am not quite perfect, ...

(8 pages) 117 0 4.5 07/Feb/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

"Normative ethical subjectivism" and the four arguments aganist it with examples

... beliefs of that other people. The tolerance argument is still not a persuasive argument for normative ethical subjectivism. The problem with tolerance argument is that ... the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others (Webster's ...

(6 pages) 152 0 4.6 03/May/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

Where's The Happy State: A Comparative Literature Analyzing Freud and Rousseau.

... that is to say, an act of the most spiritual revenge" By being physically weaker, Nietzsche claims that the Jews revolted the nobles beliefs ... should speculate upon the validity of this belief. After all, the very entity that teaches "obvious" fact to us is ...

(7 pages) 26 0 0.0 09/Jan/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

The main tenets of both rationalistic and empiricist epistemologies?

... to Plato, belief is a necessary part of knowledge but true belief does not constitute knowledge. Plato claimed that in ... that "what we experience actually is, in fact, true". According to Plato, belief is a necessary part of knowledge but true belief ...

(6 pages) 3 0 0.0 05/Nov/2014

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

Metaphysics: Ontology: Dualism vs. Materialism

... in many ways. For starters the belief we hold that God exists and interacts with our ... belief. Dualism also gives room for the concept that there is life after death. The interaction between the physical and spiritual realms in Dualism would imply that ...

(8 pages) 3 0 0.0 05/Nov/2014

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

Deontological ethics is too rigid in its emphasis on duties, utilitarian ethics too keen to override basic human rights.

... that one action will bring a greater amount of happiness than another action. However utilitarianism is not all bad and Benthams beliefs ... of happiness for those concerned. J.S. Mill claims that both mental and physical pleasure counts with intellectual ...

(4 pages) 474 3 4.5 22/Mar/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

The Views Of Reality Of Plato and Aristotle

... there. And, upon learning this, one would assume that both philosophers shared the same beliefs and theories, but in fact, quite the ... then Plato told whoever who was listening to imagine that this man that escaped went back, and told everyone else what he ...

(4 pages) 160 0 3.7 31/Mar/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

code of ethics

... a relativistic ethical system, due to foreign customs and beliefs this behavior could be argued as being acceptable. ... International (DI) is an American private military contractor that provides government services globally. The corporation provides ...

(5 pages) 2 0 0.0 01/Dec/2014

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

The Literature of Puritan, speaks of Edward Taylor and Anne Bradstreet

... , Gods word, Gods work and there aditudes. The main belief of the Puritan's that was written about in the past is religon, and ... Christ. These are just a few of the things that I learned form this and that I learned about the puritans. these statements show ...

(2 pages) 115 0 3.4 25/Sep/1995

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

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