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Search term: history-of-rock

A Sense of Place - The Sound of Silence

... . But the thousand years of history that were written in this ... of our limited horizons. Courageous drops of sweat remain alive through years stapled to the roughness of the rock. The sight of such magnificent sized pyramids highlights the insignificance of ...

(2 pages) 1296 0 0.0 20/Jan/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Poems & Short Stories

The Clouds of ASH

... own kind and he always destroys himself in the process. History has never witnessed an exception to that as Bertrand Russell ... predict the horrors that lay ahead. A thunderous explosion rocked the vey core of our beings and shrouded the sky. Dust, fire, ...

(4 pages) 966 0 0.0 03/Feb/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

"The Significance of Myth in Ceremony"

... in them an explanation, not for the way physical science works or history occurred, but for the way their culture feels about itself. Myths ... is very powerful and vital to the recovery of Tayo. She lives up in the rim rock and is in tune with the land ...

(6 pages) 134 1 4.3 08/Jan/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Moby Dick.

... of fear because of rocks that could always be hidden beneath those brilliant white waves. Ishmael , originally hailing from Vermont, also describes the desolation of ... overview of "the hue of white." He explains that many a time in history, folklore, legend, ...

(4 pages) 97 1 4.8 04/May/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Hieronymus Bosch.

... of painting. Bosch kept on painting until his death and he created hundreds of pieces that are still greatly admired today. He affected the history of ...

(4 pages) 49 0 4.0 01/Jun/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Biographies

William Golding's Lord of the flies proves that without structure, man can succumb to evil instincts and desires.

... due to his self-centered ways, as seen all throughout European history where societies slowly fell. If a ruler is fair and keeps ... Jack and two of his followers converse, "'Listen all of you. Me and my hunters, we're living along the beach by a flat rock. We ...

(6 pages) 29 0 3.0 10/Dec/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

A Comparison Contrast of 1984 and A Brave New World, no comments, just an "awkward" comment in the transition between the 4th and 5th paragraph

... of his situation than any of the characters in A Brave New World who are constantly pacified by soma. In A Brave New World history ... drops of liquid sealing-wax, drops that adhere, incrust, incorporate themselves with what they fall on, till finally the rock ...

(9 pages) 63 0 5.0 06/Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers


... as symbols of perfection, since other writers had linked the circle and the sphere together in various ways throughout the history of science ... as a rock or a fortress; instead he chooses to compare the twin legs of a compass to the lovers' sense of union ...

(7 pages) 103 0 5.0 31/Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

Compare "Apocalypse Now" to Conrad's novella "Heart of Darkness". How effectively has the director captured the central themes?

... of loss of self, loss of centrality and the displacement of Western culture from the perceived supreme center of history. The evil side of ... sung by burned out 60s rock star Jim Morrison of The Doors) play over nightmarish memories of the war. This sequence ...

(3 pages) 93 0 4.3 17/Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

A summative analysis of Li-Young Lee's poem "Persimmons" and Eamon Grennan's poem "Pause". Entitled "Summative Analysis"

... is history in the making. The author is a man who loves his life and embraces life's unfolding events (line 20, "intrusions of ... with a an "explosion" (line 19) which rocks the reader into the understanding of this use of suspense to lead to a sudden twist in ...

(5 pages) 62 1 5.0 28/May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

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