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Search term: history-of-the-world

This is a magazine article curing the signing of the Munich agreement when Hitler toke over Czechoslovakia.

... the conference and from the League of Nations. Germany began to rearm at great speed after the conference. Germany's action was not totally ignored by the rest of the world ...

(3 pages) 46 1 2.6 28/Aug/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History > German History

"Leonardo da Vinci: Universal Genius" A general look at the life and accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci

... the history of the world. His genius influenced many other great painters of the Renaissance such as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Sandro Botticelli. Leonardo had many areas of interest. Some of ...

(5 pages) 225 3 3.3 07/Dec/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

The Economic, Political, and Social Effects of the Black Death

... of the world's population by wiped out in a space of less than a ten years. You ... the weakening of the feudal system. In retrospect, the Black Death was, perhaps, one of the most transforming events in human history. The economy, society, and politics of the ...

(5 pages) 238 0 4.0 14/Dec/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

A Study of the Revolution in Spain, 1936-1937

... of profound and extended freedom and democracy in the management of social life, work and the economy. The history of the Spain of 1936-7 demonstrates the fate of ...

(5 pages) 32 0 5.0 15/Nov/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Phoenicia: Center of the Ancient Mediterranean Economy.

... the center of the world around the Mediterranean, giving them tremendous commercial opportunity. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Cyprus, Crete, and more were all around Phoenicia, and the seafaring nature of the ...

(5 pages) 39 0 4.0 26/Nov/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Was Henry The Eighth The Main Cause Of The Reformation In England?

... of the world. A growing band of followers emerged, calling themselves ‘Lutherists’. They agreed with Martin and wanted the Church to reform. Naturally, the Pope and the ...

(5 pages) 22 1 1.0 16/Jun/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

"European Civilization : Created by the masses" --19th Century ideologies,1920's -1930's dictatorships,aftermath of the World Wars.

... the history of Europe. At the first half we saw France as oppressing bankrupt monarchy making empty promises trying to keep what they had left of a crumbling infrastructure. The ...

(8 pages) 326 3 4.5 18/Dec/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Several aspects to the plague that reveal its severity are the cause of the plague, its social and religious effects, and its influence over the population.

... the rest of the world increased in population. The Black Death was eventually taken control of by exterminating the old black ship rat that carried the disease and by isolating the sick. The ...

(7 pages) 138 0 4.7 19/Jul/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Everlasting Effects of the Bubonic Plague, describes transmission of disease, effects on population and culture.

... the majority of the deaths were done and gone. One-third of the world died. (Frossart 1) The extremely high death toll in the Jewish community was just one of the many consequences experienced. The ...

(13 pages) 142 0 4.3 13/Dec/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Whether the Greek or the Turkish side should be blamed for the emergence and the prolongation of the inter-communal conflict in Cyprus,

... the event that is the best example of Greeks being obstinate and aggressive - that is provoking the most decisive event in the history of the conflict: the Turkish military intervention of 1974. The ...

(18 pages) 68 1 2.4 12/Jan/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

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